
Rangierbahnhof von oben

Rail freight transport goes digital with our free eServices

For your comfort, free and without loging: with our eServices you will have a large assortment of services to your disposal to plan your transport.



Here you can search for the most important information on 12,000 freight railway stations in 29 European countries online and have fare distances calculated between the freight railway stations.


The DIUM (Distancier international uniforme marchandises) is a directory of all European freight traffic points, published by the International Railway Union (UIC).

The “Güterbahnhöfe DIUM” online tool makes all information stored in the DIUM accessible to you as a user.

- Railway station search: Displays information relating to freight railway stations and loading points

- Distance search: Calculates the distance between individual railway stations/loading points

- Marks of reference: Gives an overview of customs clearance conditions at the respective freight railway station

- DIUM profile: As a regular user, allows you to permanently save pre-settings in a profile in the selection of border crossings.

Older DIUM information: You can always find the most up-to-date DIUM information in the Internet application. Older data can be found as a PDF file on the Website UIC.



Wagon Catalogue

DB Cargo has approximately 75,000 freight wagons of numerous designs in use. Learn here how you can optimally use such freight wagons for your transport purposes.

Wagon Catalogue

Whether you want to get an overview or verify detailed information and modalities – our freight wagon catalogue informs you about

  • Load limits
  • Dimensions
  • Stowage plans
  • Ordering options
  • Loading periods
  • Demurrage



To simplify logistical tasks, all types of goods are provided with their own clear NHM code. We will help you to determine the correct code.


With NHM-Codes (NHM = „Nomenclature Harmonisée Marchandises – Harmonised Goods Directory“) every individual type of good can be clearly assigned. If you do not yet know the NHM code of your transport good or do not have it to hand, you can find it using our NHM code search.

You will quickly find the relevant code using the goods sector, goods group and goods type. Vice versa, it is possible to assign the type of goods by inputting the code. The search function is available in 21 languages.


Rail Access

You can execute multimodal transport across Europe even without sidings. You will find suitable access points to the rail network here.

Rail Access

As shipping agents without your own sidings, you rely on a dense network of transfer points from the road to the rails.

DB Cargo offers this network – and conceivably facilitates access for you.

The "Multimodal track access" online tool gives an overview of available loading points, local additional logistics services and further equipment characteristics.

Maps visualise the track access points. These can be filtered according to region and location type (free-loading siding, railport and CT terminal).

You are welcome to address any questions or suggestions in connection with loading points to the contact persons listed on the right.



Find your best connection


The freight timetable gives you connection information quickly and simply. The overview of the range of single wagon system services simplifies the planning of your transport.

Use our online freight timetable and its many functions, such as:

  • Display of departure, arrival and journey times
  • Information on route classes
  • Additional information, such as. environmental balance
  • Area maps and overview maps for the dispatch and receiving railway stations



Get an overview of DB Cargo's strong network.


Whether from north to south or from west to China: with our block train, intermodal or single wagonload services on the most important routes in Europe and Asia, you will always find the right offer:

  • a strong network for our customers
  • our most important routes in Germany, Europe and as far as Asia
  • some use cases demonstrate our strengths and expertise

EcoTransIT World

EcoTransIT World supplies decision-making aids for the choice of modes of transport from an ecological perspective.

EcoTransIT World

With EcoTransIT World, companies can work out quickly and comprehensibly which transport mode can take their goods to their destination in the most environmentally-compatible manner. EcoTransIT World determines the ecological balance of different modes of transport for global transport flows (lorry, ship, aeroplane, train) which contains both energy consumption and the emission of CO2- and other air pollutants. And all of that in just a few clicks.

You can find further information and scientific bases regarding EcoTransIT World here (Balance Sheet).Industrial companies which have their own sustainability management systems are increasingly using EcoTransIT World and are opting ever more frequently for transport solutions which are not only sustainable from an economic perspective, but also an ecological perspective. The calculation method corresponds to current accounting standards, such as DIN EN 16258.